Key Peterborough United player contract talks on hold

Peterborough United plans to secure long-term contracts for key players Hector Kyprianou and Kwame Poku after the summer transfer window closes.

However, this doesn’t suggest that Posh is willing to sell either 23-year-old, even though they are both in the final year of their current deals.

Poku, who will still be under 24 when his contract expires next June, would not be able to leave Posh without financial compensation.

Posh chairman Darragh MacAnthony has also emphasized that no more first-team players will be leaving Weston Homes Stadium during this transfer window unless manager Darren Ferguson decides otherwise, which is highly unlikely.

Additionally, MacAnthony is working on deals to increase the wages of some of the club’s younger players.

“We want to secure Hector and Kwame, but we can finalize new contracts after the transfer window shuts,” MacAnthony said. “I don’t want them focused on anything other than playing football. I also want to ensure some of our younger players receive a well-deserved pay increase.

“We had two lads on the pitch last Saturday earning £700 a week between them. They can get a grand in appearance money, but they deserve more in basic pay.”

Right-back James Dornelly and midfielder Donay O’Brien-Brady, who are believed to be on Posh under-21 contracts, both finished the game at Shrewsbury last weekend.

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